Message from Dean
The purpose of university education is to fast track the learning of students in arts, sciences and engineering so that they can take their place in the community and contribute in the human endeavour for a better and fulfilling living. In national context, AIUB has been at the forefront in this effort and it is now recognized as the premier institution for science & information technology. The Faculty of Science & Information Technology is now providing top-notch education to over 2000 students. This number is increasing with every intake, and there is a heavy demand from students for a place in the Faculty of Science & Information Technology. AIUB imparts science and information technology education through prescribed curriculum, which has been approved by the University Grants Commission of the Govt. of Bangladesh. This curriculum is at par with that at other world universities. It has the knowledge and wisdom of scientific discoveries and innovations spanning over a period of a few hundred years or so. As such, the study of any discipline under the Faculty of Science & Information Technology is fulfilling and at the same time challenging. It requires students of better than average capabilities. AIUB has recognized from the very beginning that these students need and deserve better than average facilities and environment for their optimum development. As such, an excellent faculty team has been engaged to nurture its students, at the same time laboratories with the state of the art equipment has been built for imparting high grade training to these students. Good luck and best wishes to all who embark on the arduous task of getting involved in human development through science & information technology education.
Sr. Associate Professor, Dean-in-charge
Faculty of Science and Technology
Message from Associate Dean
For more than a decade, AIUB has made significant contributions to Bangladesh and the world. All the programs in CS Department are accredited by the world renowned Philippines Accrediting of Schools, Colleges, and Universities (PAASCU). With a range of scholarship and support for students to pursue international, academic and engagement opportunities, AIUB welcomes students with the academic ability and aspirations to gain an outstanding education. Generations of students, staff and alumni have built our reputation. The strength of our reputation will not only benefit future students, but also boundless global community that will gain from AIUB’s knowledge leadership.
Professor, Associate Dean
Faculty of Science and Technology
Message from Director (FST)
We are home to dynamic and active leaders in a board range of research areas. Our department has made a strong and continuing commitment to engage with our students and the expanding circles of our national and international communities. Besides learning you can also equip yourself with the skills to have a great career ahead of you. We emphasize our continued pledge to the highest levels of excellence in teaching, research, and community engagement as we strive to enhance the profound and positive impact of computer science on the future of our world.
Sr. Assistant Professor, Director
Faculty of Science and Technology
Message from Head (Graduate Program)
We ever since the Master’s Program in Computer Science had been introduced in 2006, it has been demonstrating its excellence in further studies and industries through our students. In five areas of specializations there are ten major research domains ensuring world class education. All faculties and students get fully engaged in diverse research throughout the program. We are committed to develop our students as “scientifically advanced citizens” for the nations.
Professor, Head, Graduate Program (CS)
Faculty of Science and Technology
Message from Head-In-Charge (Undergraduate Program)
Welcome to the department of Computer Science (CS).
Computer Science is fundamental to human prosperity, equity, and wellness. Automation is revolutionizing transport and manufacturing and data science is transforming health care. Computer scientists must embrace the issues of social justice, accountability, and ethics that arise from human-machine interactions. Our research advances the role of computing in the lives of people. Beyond our broad research portfolio, we are translating research into practice, forging new relationships with corporate partners, and building companies from startups.
Our department continuously strives on improving our undergraduate curriculum to better meet the needs of today’s students and employers. Many of our courses have laboratory components that enrich the students’ learning experience by allowing them to be exposed to theory and practice. Project-based learning is also implemented in many courses. Students are also encouraged to seek industry-sponsored graduation projects and are required to do an industry internship before graduation. We provide our students with an outstanding educational experience that prepares them to achieve the highest personal and professional goals.
As a student in the Department you will be exposed to high quality inspirational teaching and learning. The staff, passionate about developing and delivering teaching, stay at the forefront of the development of innovative teaching, learning and assessment methods and they consistently employ technology including learning technologies for both in class activities but also for learning activities outside the class boundaries as successful means of supporting students’ learning.
We are very proud of our graduates and of their accomplishments; they are highly skilled IT professionals who pursue successful careers in a wide range of contexts in the competitive global labor market.
To all our students, we in the Computer Science Department would like to wish you inspirational, productive, and successful studies.
Associate Professor, Head (UG)
Faculty of Science and Technology